Art and memory: Eduardo Gómez Ballesteros

Art and memory: Eduardo Gómez Ballesteros
Sat, 10. June 2017 - Sun, 15. October 2017
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: Eduardo Gómez Ballesteros

Machettes, by Eduardo Gómez Ballesteros

From June 10 to October 15, 2017 

Vídeo monocanal dins el projecte Genocide project.



The Rwandan genocide officially began on April 6, 1994, when the plane carrying the Hutu majority member of the country was shot down. All the people on board died. Within hours, Hutu extremists (Interahamwe) seized power and a wave of assassinations erupted against the Tutsi minority and an undetermined number of moderate Hutus. In 100 days, 75% of the Tutsi ethnic group, between 800,000 and one million people, were exterminated. The causes are related to the possession of the country's natural resources. The Tutsis, mostly ranchers, had been favored by the German colonialists, and when they were defeated and replaced by the Belgians, they pursued the same policy, to the detriment of the Hutus. Thus, while Tutsis received some education and their leaders promoted to positions of political responsibility, Hutus, largely farmers, were discriminated against and denied access to education. Thus, being the majority in the country, they were subjugated by the Tutsi minority.

Children looking at the wall, from behind, offering their necks, labeled with a number and "drowned" by strokes of the atrocious story A Time for Machetes, by Jean Hatzfeld. A soldier, a Soviet assault rifle Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947, better known by its acronym, AK-47, made of paper. Recycled paper, school paper, innocent and harmless ...


Description of Genocide Project (Eduardo Ballesteros)

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