Art and memory: Olivier Moulaï

Art and memory: Olivier Moulaï
Thu, 1. March 2012 - Sat, 30. June 2012
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and Memory. Contemporary Artistic Initiatives



Olivier Moulaï

Pasos, 2009

(With the testimonies of Serge Barba, Celia García, Laetitia Lazizi, Gabriel Llesta and Parisa Mostofi)

Production: Elmediator


Video HD 1080i50, 25:30 min


The sons and daughters of exiles, with diverse profiles, bear witness to their family history. The scattered memories and the imagery built upon silence give rise to fragmented images.

“The project is the result of a commission to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Retreat (1939/2009). I have sought to establish links with other exiles. This has led me to film Walter Benjamin’s journey into exile across the Catalan Pyrenees border and to a sentence engraved on Dani Karavan’s memorial in Portbou: ‘It is a more arduous task to honour the memory of anonymous beings than that of famous persons. The construction of history is consecrated to the memory of those who have no name.’”

Olivier Moulaï, filmmaker and director based in Perpignan, is particularly interested in the border areas, in their cultural heritage, their memory and transmission. With the camera he captures the stories of others in order to find a clash between truth and myth, such as the testimony of the son of a Spanish exile: “When I was a child, I knew I could not go back to my country. In fact, going back… I had never been there.” In his work, he endeavours to allow people to talk about their past. This means giving them the role of a narrator. Out of these lived or imagined realities he extracts images to open a dialogue between them.

1st March to 30th June 2012





More information at

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