Exhibition: J’ai dessiné la guerre. Le regard de Françoise et Alfred Brauner

Exhibition: J’ai dessiné la guerre. Le regard de Françoise et Alfred Brauner
Sat, 30. April 2016 - Sun, 12. June 2016
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: “J’ai dessiné la guerre. Le regard de Françoise et Alfred Brauner” (I drew the war. The look of Françoise i Alfred Brauner).


Inauguration: Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 11.30h. 

Exhibition at the MUME from April 30 till June 12, 2016 

« J'ai dessiné la guerre. Le regard de Françoise et Alfred Brauner » is a portrait of contemporary conflict from drawings of children that left a poignant testimony. The exhibition is based on the considerable collection of wartime children's drawings collected by Françoise and Alfred Brauner from the Spanish Civil War to multiple conflicts in the world, in Japan, Vietnam, Algeria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya. ..

For all ages, these drawings provoke debate and analysis about how to capture contemporary conflicts, human rights, and the need to hear the voices, particularly those of children.

This exhibition was part of the research program of the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche Enfance Violence Exil, led by the Center de recherche sur les littératures et la socio-poétique (Université Blaise Pascal-Clermont-Ferrand). It is sponsored by UNESCO.

Scieintific consultants:  Catherine Milkovitch Rioux et Rose Duroux ( Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)

Françoise Brauner (Vienna, 1911) and Alfred Brauner (Saint-Mandé 1910) were in Spain in 1937 and 1938, part of the International Brigades, she as a doctor, he as a pedagogue working with evacuated children. In 1938, they received a package of drawings from a school in Barcelona. These were not only Catalan children who went to school, but also refugee children who had experienced tragic events. This difference is clearly perceived in the drawings. This is how the idea of a large-scale experience arose: the collection of drawings from all the schools in Catalonia. Three themes are considered: “my life before the war”; "What I have seen of the war"; "How I see my life after the war." They will later do the same in many of the civil conflicts that ravaged the 20th century. The collections include documentation of more than 10,000 drawings.

Alfred Brauner, Doctor of Arts. Former director of the Educational Treatment Centers., General secretary of the Groupement de recherches pratiques pour l'enfance. Former President of the French Society of Psychopathology of Expression. Françoise Brauner, pediatrician, psychiatrist. Former director of educational centers for children and adolescents with mental disabilities and multiple disabilities.

The two authors worked together, at first, in the service of children victims of war events: Civil War, Jewish children persecuted by Nazism, were also active in the Resistance in France, in the occupied area. In 1945 they took part in the reception of surviving children from the Nazi camps. Later they worked on the recovery of children with disabilities, emphasizing the educational aspect. They also specialize in childhood autism. The research on the child’s drawings in the war, which began in the Spanish Civil War, is part of his research effort, but it is also part of his desire to fight for peace.

For more information:


Inauguration: Saturday, April 30, 2016 

Exhbitiion at the MUME from April30 till June 12,2016 

virtual visit eng1 250p




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