Exhibition: The world of the winners by Ignasi Prat

Exhibition: The world of the winners by Ignasi Prat
Fri, 7. July 2017 - Sun, 26. November 2017
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition "El Món dels vencedors" by Ignasi Prat

MUME, from July 7 to November 26, 2017

Opening: Friday, July 7, 2017 at 7 p.m.


The exhibition The World of Winners is a multidisciplinary research project on the repression of Francoism and the privileges of its high officials. The photograph shows the aesthetics and architecture of Franco's power, through the official residences of the top officials of the regime.

The exhibition, curated by Àlex Brahim, brings together a selection of images by Ignasi Prat, who uses this medium to carry out an activity of Franco's archeology based on the aesthetic recovery of the residences of those most responsible for the repression. The photographs also give an account of the real estate and offer an architectural tour of personal taste and the symbolic construction of the Franco regime.

The world of the victors uses photography as a support for an activity of Franco's archeology based on the aesthetic recovery of the residences of those most responsible for the repression, which takes the border as a forced motive. The values ​​of the characters are projected on the different motifs of the residential boundary, such as portals, facades and more general views. The photographs also give an account of the real estate and offer an architectural tour of personal taste and the symbolic construction of the Franco regime.

From the concern generated by the novel Mala gente que camina by Benjamín Prado (Alfaguara, 2006), motivated by the brutality of Franco's repression and especially by the irreversible impunity he has enjoyed, Ignasi Prat delves into a historical archeology of the Franco regime based on the aesthetic recovery of the facades of the houses of the top officials of the regime and the repression that it carried out.

The first stage of the project has been to obtain the death certificates of those involved, with the addresses of the places where they resided before their death. Then, look for these places in Spanish geography, identify them and photograph them. Prat appropriates an image that, more than a memory, is a spatial and temporal fold of a political moment that survives camouflaged in the historical fact, and shows us these veiled refuges of power, which survive in the biography of his owners and house, for their successors, a place and the prebends associated with it.

The author therefore chooses to emphasize, with insight and subtlety, the absurdity on which official history is based. A clear manifesto of generational rupture --those who did not live the regime-- that delves into the current economy of the sign experience and that turns the portraits of the world of the victors in the very place where this is put in crisis. story of the victors, which by consensus guaranteed the immunity of this world and its permanence, and the silence of the story of the vanquished.

This revision of the regime's aesthetic postulates, symbolically elementary as self-representation, from the openly visible of its spaces of intimacy, is a perverse turn, a B-side of its image, which exerts a commitment from poetic justice. with the debts of the past that the present still claims. A critical cultural practice that is nourished by historiography and the archive, linked to a rigorous photographic production that uses the photographic medium and its mnemonic function as devices of contradiction: the transmissibility of photography as a disruptive update and not as then. Halfway between visual language and historical narrative, this fusion between political discourse and aesthetics is an act of semiotic responsibility with optics, understood as a factual point of view of the photographic fact, but also as an ethical space of 'approach to the historical fact.

With the subtitle Saló de l'exili, in an exhibition that takes place in a location full of meaning to be a museum dedicated to the historical memory of the Civil War and especially to the specific phenomenon of exile, l The author makes a reference, with the arrangement of the pieces in the room, to the art salons of Paris of the 18th and 19th centuries, as the origin of the art salon of the Franco regime. In addition, the exhibition repertoire is complemented by a selection of graphic and communication material from the previous exhibitions and a map of the location of the residences in Spain.

However, The World of Winners, still active as a process, will adopt various formats or complementary subtitles to generate new readings and devices depending on the degree of development of the project and the context that hosts each exhibition. An open artistic process that is also a provisional historical medium: a way of keeping in mind the urgency of what is still waiting.

Ignasi Prat (Sant Esteve de Palautordera, 1981). Master in production and artistic research from the University of Barcelona, ​​degree in fine arts from the University of Barcelona, ​​Postgraduate in photography from IDEP (School of Image and Design), Graduate in photography from the GROC School and specialist in photography of travel and author by IEFC (Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia). Based on political motivations and topics of interest, his work proposes a political-aesthetic discourse that combines the awareness of cultural theory and the mastery of photographic practice, focusing mainly on serial productions, although he makes occasional use of the installation, reappropriation of images, interventions in public space or video. He has obtained scholarships from BCN Producció, Vegap, Sala d'Art Jove, Can Felipa Visual Arts, UNZIP del Prat de Llobregat or the Arxiu Comarcal Urgell and awards such as the viewing prize of the Photoalicante festival, the Ciutat de Manacor Plastic Arts Prize , Jeune Creation Europeenne Biennale, the first prize in photography of the Pancho Cossío de Santander Contest, second prize in the Youth Contest of Plastic Arts of Granada, third prize Contest of Plastic Arts Diputación de Ourense or the national prize of photography Valencia Crea. It is currently represented by the Addaya Gallery and has been included in the publication Arte español contemporáneo (1992-2013), published by La Fábrica under the direction of Rafael Doctor.

More information of the project and exhibition: 


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