Dades tècniques:

Durada: 1 dia (5-6 hores) / Preu per adult / alumne: 12 €

Grups de menys de 20 adults / alumnes: 240 € / grup

Grups escolars de les Comarques de Girona consultar al MUME reduccions de preus del programa INDIKA de la Diputació de Girona.

Informació i reserves per a visites guiades i rutes:

Tel. 972 556 533 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Descripció :

El gener de 1941, el govern de la França de Vichy va obrir oficialment  les instal·lacions del camp de Ribesaltes. En pocs dies començaren a arribar els primers interns procedents d’altres centres com Agde, Gurs o els camps de les platges del Rosselló. Ben aviat, el funcionament del camp s’insereix en la l ògica d’exclusió de l’Europa ocupada pel nazisme. Refugiats republicans -que havien estat dels primers en arribar-hi i que havien tingut cura dels preparatius d’obertura del camp- , jueus, estrangers i gitanos són reclosos al camp. La ruda climatologia, la separació de les famílies, la manca d’higiene, les malalties són, juntament amb la manca de llibertat, algunes de les moltes dificultats amb què han de conviure els interns. Les obres humanitàries d’algunes organitzacions suplien l’abandó de l’Estat francès. Un dels episodis més tràgics del camp de Ribesaltes foren els enviaments d’homes, dones i infants jueus cap a Auschwitz entre l’agost i l’octubre de 1942.

La visita al camp de Ribesaltes aporta una visió pedagògica i completa sobre la història europea recent. Des de les conseqüències de la Guerra civil espanyola fins al procés descolonitzador de la Guerra d’Algèria, passant pels anys difícils de la Segona Guerra Mundial i de la deportació als camps nazis. Alhora, és una oportunitat única per conèixer de primera mà  l’estructura arquitectònica d’un camp d’internament.

L’activitat s’inicia amb una visita al MUME i tot seguit s’emprèn el camí cap a les instal·lacions del camp de Ribesaltes on s’ofereix una visita guiada.

Més informació:

Descarregueu el document PDF amb més informació detallada de la ruta 5. El camp de Ribesaltes. Internament i exclusió al segle XX

4. “Argelers Camp.The Daily Life of Internment"



Argelers Camp was the first camp opened by the Frenchauthorities following the great Republican exile in February1939. The mass arrival of refugees lasted around fifteen daysfrom the second week of February. After a few days, the campwas already overpopulated and lacked any proper accommodationor sanitary conditions. Almost 100,000 people lived intheopen air withoutshelter or running water and foodwasveryscarce. Very slowly, and with the efforts of the interneesthemselves,some barracks began to be built and daily life in the camp was organised. All these aspects are explained in the new Argelers Camp Memorial, a modern interpretation centre that introduces visitors to daily life in the camp. Afterthevisit to the exhibition, the route continues on to the realsiteswhere the concentrationcamp was located,onthebeachitself.

The activity begins with a visit to the MUME and continues in Argelers, home to the Argelers Camp Memorial.Theguided tour ends on Argelers beach.

Duration: 1 day (5-6 hours) / Price per adult / student: 12 €·

Gorups of up to 20 students / adults: 240 € / group


Technical data:
Duration: 1 day (5-6 hours) / Per adult / student: €12
Groups of less than 20 adults / students: €240 / group

School groups from the Girona Region consult MUME for price reductions from the INDIKA program of the Girona Provincial Council.

Information and reservations for guided tours and routes:
Tel. 972556533 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Argelès concentration camp was the first camp opened by the French authorities following the great republican exodus of February 1939. The massive arrival of refugees lasted for fifteen days from the second week of February. A few days later, the camp was already overcrowded and did not meet any reception conditions or sanitary measures. Almost 100,000 people were out in the open and had no shelter, and food was very scarce. Very slowly, and with the efforts of the inmates themselves, barracks were built and daily life in the camp was organized. All these aspects are explained at the new Memorial of the Argelès camp, located in the castle of Valmy. It is a modern interpretation center that introduces visitors to the everyday universe of the countryside. After the visit to the exhibition, the tour continues to the real settings where the concentration camp was located, on Argelès beach.

The activity begins with a visit to the MUME and then the group moves to the center of Argelès, where the Argelès Memorial Camp is located and to the same beach where the field was.

More detailed information about the route:

Download the PDF with information on route 4. The Argelès Concentration Camp. Internment and daily life






The Republican exodus brought about an enormous cultural loss for the country. Great intellectuals (writers, scientists, musicians…) fell into the uncertainty of exile and were forced to develop their valuable creative work outside our borders, leaving our country culturally orphaned.

The route starts with a tour of the permanent exhibition of MUME in order to get a historical vision of the events of the Spanish Civil War and the mass exodus of people who crossed the Pyrenees border towards a freedom denied to them in their own country.


Two key figures, Pau Casals and Pompeu Fabra, and a place of refuge, Prades, will be the setting and the protagonists of the route during which we will learn about the importance of two major personalities in contemporary Catalan culture. Pompeu Fabra (1868-1948) died in Prades after a brilliant career as a champion of the Catalan language with the publication of a grammar (1918) and a dictionary (1932), among other works. In 1932 he was named Professor of Catalan Language at Barcelona University. Pompeu Fabra embodies the intellectual victim of the barbarism brought about by the Franco dictatorship after the Civil War. Pau Casals (1876-1973) was one of the most important musical player of the 20th century. His commitment to democracy and the fight against fascism were exemplary. From January 1939, the moment he went into exile, he settled in Prades, where he lived until 1957. From that village he began numerous aid campaigns for Republican exiles, started cultural initiatives of resistance and stayed firm in his condemnation of the Franco regime.

· Duration: 1 day / Price per adult / student: €12

· Groups of fewer than 20 adults / students: €240 / group



Walter Benjamin, German philosopher of Jewish origin, arrived in Portbou in late September 1940, fleeing the German occupation of France. When he discovered that the Spanish authorities were going to return him to Vichy France and that, therefore, he would not be able to reach the United States, he committed suicide in the hotel where he was staying.


The death of this great European intellectual is one more example of the prominent role of the Pyrenees border during the Second World War, as well as the involvement of the Franco dictatorship with the Axis powers.

The route begins at MUME with a brief introduction to the time that covers the post-war Franco period and the world war and then continues to Portbou following the final steps of the German thinker. The activity is completed with a visit to the Exile Memorial of Coll dels Belitres, the cemetery and to the sculptural site of Dani Karavan and with an exercise of reading and discussion of texts by Walter Benjamin himself and other writers linked to the events of that time.

· Duration: 1 day / Price per adult / student: €12

· Groups up to 20 adults / students: €240 / group




The Republican exodus brought about an enormous cultural loss for the country. Great intellectuals (writers, scientists, musicians…) had to leave their occupations and fell into the uncertainty of exile. Within the Catalan cultural sphere there was an authentic decline because of the persecution of the language carried out by the Franco dictatorship. At state level, the injustice also took on progressivism and creative freedom. The case of the poet Antonio Machado is the example par excellence. Machado, sick and exhausted, died shortly after crossing the border and was buried in the cemetery of Collioure.

This route aims to explore the relation between exile and the cultural world. It starts in La Jonquera with a tour of MUME. Next, the route continues to Collioure, where the poet Antonio Machado arrived with his family, from Barcelona, and this was the last stage of his gruelling flight from Franco’s victory. Throughout the itinerary we read and discuss texts by Antonio Machado and exiled Catalan authors.

· Duration: 1 day (5/6 hours) Price per adult / student: €12

· Groups up to 20 adults / students: €240 / group


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